SLO Media Limited

SLO Media

The heart of your online world




We blog for our clients every single week. Mostly, we edit their raw thoughts, sometimes we write original posts for them and, occasionally, recycle something popular. Here are the very latest blog posts we've published for them

While efforts are being made to reduce the tax gap, it remains a significant challenge for HMRC!
Uncovering the Surprising Reality of the UK's Tax Gap

Tax gap refers to the difference between the amount HMRC expects to collect and the amount received ...

Roger Eddowes

Roger Eddowes

25th July, 2024

If you make profits from a patent you registered, Patent Box can help you reduce your tax to just 10%!
Understanding the Benefits of Patent Box

As a business owner, navigating the complex world of taxes can be a really daunting task ...

Helen Beaumont

Helen Beaumont

24th July, 2024

When someone you're supposed to meet with is hiding from you, then they've got decision fatigue!
Closing The Sale: The Impact Of Decision Fatigue

I recently had a breakfast conversation about a common, frustrating phenomenon called decision fatigue ...

Jacky Sherman

Jacky Sherman

24th July, 2024

I have been fortunate to have ridden the crest of the wave and I am still in the industry!
Riding The Crest of The Wave - Part 2

In 1997, the showrooms closed and I moved to the business call centre where the first dial-up disks were emerging ...

Pritesh Ganatra

Pritesh Ganatra

23rd July, 2024

The findings from ICAEW's BCM Q2 report underscore the resilience of UK businesses!
ICAEW Reports That UK Business Confidence Soars

The latest Business Confidence Monitor by the ICAEW has revealed a significant surge in business confidence across the UK ...

Roger Eddowes

Roger Eddowes

22nd July, 2024

The retirement of Xero classic invoicing was set for the 1st of September 2024, but now it has been extended!
Xero: Changes To The Retirement Of Classic Invoicing

You may have recently received an email from Xero announcing the retirement of their classic invoicing feature ...

Alison Mead

Alison Mead

22nd July, 2024

The Growth Guarantee Scheme has been welcomed by many business leaders and industry experts!
British Business Bank Launches the Growth Guarantee Scheme

The COVID-19 pandemic had a devastating impact on businesses around the world, and the UK was no exception ...

Roger Eddowes

Roger Eddowes

18th July, 2024

It's a core consultancy skill to identify the potential hidden power within an organisation!
Consultancy Skills: Persuading Others To Change

A rather depressing statistic is that about 70% of change initiatives fail. The reasons are complex ...

Jacky Sherman

Jacky Sherman

17th July, 2024

Employing young people can be a great opportunity for both employers and young workers!
The Ins and Outs of Employing Young People

The first thing to consider when employing young people is their age. The legal working age in the UK is 16 ...

Helen Beaumont

Helen Beaumont

17th July, 2024

Is your business like a Tesla, packed with the latest technology, or just a rusty old truck?
Technology Vs Humans: Who Is Right Or Wrong? Part 2

Supercomputers have been around since the 50s and have assisted in historic moments such as sending man to the moon ...

Pritesh Ganatra

Pritesh Ganatra

16th July, 2024

There are lots of good reasons to use a bookkeeper!
Why Should You Use A Bookkeeper?

Wouldn't a bookkeeper make your life a whole lot easier? Having a clear picture of your finances at any given time is a must ...

Alison Mead

Alison Mead

15th July, 2024

Businesses should educate themselves and their staff on diversity and inclusion!
How to Avoid Discrimination During Recruitment

Discrimination in the workplace is a serious issue that can have damaging effects on both employees and employers ...

Roger Eddowes

Roger Eddowes

15th July, 2024

Good in-work occupational health means a happy and productive workforce!
The Role of the New Occupational Health Taskforce

The issue of in-work sickness has been a long-standing concern for both employers and employees ...

Roger Eddowes

Roger Eddowes

11th July, 2024

What tax rises are on the cards now Labour are in Government?
Now Labour Are In Government What Tax Rises Are Coming?

It has been widely reported that new chancellor Rachel Reeves will be looking at taxation to manage public debt ...

Helen Beaumont

Helen Beaumont

10th July, 2024

If you want to stand out from the crowd, be a specialist!
Stand Out From The Crowd: Be A Specialist

As you can imagine, I go to a lot of networking events and I rarely go to one where there isn't at least one accountant ...

Jacky Sherman

Jacky Sherman

10th July, 2024

Don't lose your phone lines in December 2025. Act now!
Planning ahead for the 2025 Copper Switch-Off

As a business, there is a 99% chance that the phones you have are PSTN/ISDN based on Openreach's legacy copper network ...

Pritesh Ganatra

Pritesh Ganatra

9th July, 2024

If you want to upgrade to Sage 50 Accounts v30.1 when it becomes available to you, just let me know!
Sage 50 Accounts v30.1 Released

Sage has just released their latest version with some good updates in my opinion, including a second company ...

Alison Mead

Alison Mead

8th July, 2024

The dawn of a new Government signifies a change of direction for the country!
The First 100 Days of the New Labour Government

With a comfortable victory in the election, The Labour Government have a clear mandate to implement their policies ...

Roger Eddowes

Roger Eddowes

8th July, 2024

Always ensure any salary advance falls within the scope of the new rules!
Rules for Reporting Salary Advances Relaxed

As the world of finance and accounting continues to evolve, so do the rules and regulations that govern it ...

Roger Eddowes

Roger Eddowes

4th July, 2024

Seek professional advice and ensure accuracy in your tax reporting to avoid costly penalties in one-off transactions!
HMRC Warn Of CGT Penalties for One-Off Transactions

As a UK taxpayer, you may be aware of the potential changes to Capital Gains Tax rates that have been making headlines ...

Helen Beaumont

Helen Beaumont

3rd July, 2024

Motivate your networking group to want to refer you because they don't have to!
Networking Myths: You Must Refer People In Your Group

Often when I meet people and get talking about networking they will tell me a story about the networking group they joined ...

Jacky Sherman

Jacky Sherman

3rd July, 2024

General Motors subsidiary Cruise was set to roll out their service across the USA until an accident happened!
Technology Vs Humans: Who Is Right Or Wrong? Part 1

As I said in my last blog post, I have been an avid technology fan since my school days, but sometimes it may go too far ...

Pritesh Ganatra

Pritesh Ganatra

2nd July, 2024

To get started on the actual payroll you will need to set up the software and enter the new employees!
How To Start A New Payroll

Starting a new payroll for your business? You will need certain information to get everything sorted with HMRC ...

Alison Mead

Alison Mead

1st July, 2024

Only time will tell what Labour's legacy is going to be!
Labour's Legacy: A Look into the Future

As you walk down any street in the UK, you can't help but notice the buzz around the general election ...

Roger Eddowes

Roger Eddowes

1st July, 2024

Dormant companies offer flexibility and cost-saving benefits for business owners!
Understanding Dormant Companies

Dormant companies are common in the UK business landscape, with the number of dormant companies on the rise ...

Roger Eddowes

Roger Eddowes

27th June, 2024

It's a fundamental networking skill to know what you want!
Networking Skills: The Benefits Of Focus In Your Networking

It's a fundamental networking skill to know whether you should appeal to a wide range of clients, or focus in ...

Jacky Sherman

Jacky Sherman

26th June, 2024

Don't miss out on your rightful state pension. Contact the DWP today to find out more!
Thousands of Pensioners May Be Eligible for DWP Refund

If you claimed child benefits between 1978 and 2000, you may have been underpaid your state pension ...

Helen Beaumont

Helen Beaumont

26th June, 2024

The future is bright, and it is AI-based!
What Will Artificial Intelligence Bring To The Table?

There are lots of use cases to show the benefits of using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to perform mundane and repetitive tasks ...

Pritesh Ganatra

Pritesh Ganatra

25th June, 2024

I've been using Xero classic invoicing for so long and find it really easy, but like all bookkeepers, I'm sure I'll get used to the new version!
Say Goodbye to Xero Classic Invoicing

If you're a bookkeeper, chances are you're familiar with Xero's classic invoicing solution. But it's being retired soon ...

Alison Mead

Alison Mead

24th June, 2024

As inflation increases, the purchasing power of the pound decreases, so it's more expensive to buy the same goods and services!
Election 2024: What Is Inflation And Why Is It Important?

Inflation is a term that is often thrown around during elections, but many may not fully understand what it means ...

Roger Eddowes

Roger Eddowes

24th June, 2024

Whatever your political leaning, do remember to vote on the 4th of July!
Election 2024: Political Rivals Make Tax Pledges

The 2024 election is just around the corner, and the political rivals are already making their moves to secure your vote ...

Roger Eddowes

Roger Eddowes

20th June, 2024

We didn't understand marching at first, but it was to teach us pace and rapport!
The Art Of Pace and Rapport

When I undertook my basic training in the RAF nursing service, we were taken out on the parade ground to learn how to march ...

Jacky Sherman

Jacky Sherman

19th June, 2024

VAT On holiday lets and serviced accommodation doesn't need to be complicated!
VAT On Holiday Lets And Serviced Accommodation

With many businesses, once your income heads above £90000 you have to register for and pay VAT every quarter ...

Helen Beaumont

Helen Beaumont

19th June, 2024

On average, MDM costs between £4 and £5 per month, per device and can be cloud managed with ease!
What Is Mobile Device Management?

Mobile Device Management (MDM) is a platform where you can list and manage almost any type of mobile phone ...

Pritesh Ganatra

Pritesh Ganatra

18th June, 2024

Arrange a handholding session with me and I'll show you how to unlock the power of open banking with Xero!
A Simple and Secure Way to Pay Bills Without Leaving Xero

As a small business owner, you know the importance of efficient and accurate bill payments to your suppliers ...

Alison Mead

Alison Mead

17th June, 2024

GDP is a crucial indicator of a country's economic performance and plays a significant role in the UK economy!
Understanding GDP And How It Impacts The Economy

GDP is a measure of a country's economic output, and adds up the value of goods and services within its borders ...

Roger Eddowes

Roger Eddowes

16th June, 2024

Our daily red list emails empower you to be a paragon of proactivity!
Get Ahead of the Game with YourPCM's Daily Red List Emails

With a hectic schedule and a long list of contacts to manage, it can be challenging to keep track of everyone ...

The YourPCM Growth Team

The YourPCM Growth Team

13th June, 2024

With proper planning and management, businesses can make the most of the summer of sport!
Navigating The Summer of Sport 2024

The summer of sport 2024 has a number of major events happening at the same time and it's going to be exciting ...

Roger Eddowes

Roger Eddowes

13th June, 2024

Disconnection in one area can leach into the others too!
The Loneliness Of The Independent Consultant

After the initial hype of starting your own consultancy, the weirdest thing can happen ...

Jacky Sherman

Jacky Sherman

12th June, 2024

When it comes to hybrid working expenses, speak to your tax adviser if you are at all unsure what you can claim!
Are Hybrid Working Expenses Tax Deductible?

With the rise of hybrid working, many UK professionals have found themselves at home for a large portion of their week ...

Helen Beaumont

Helen Beaumont

12th June, 2024

We are the socially responsible CRM choice for UK micro business owners!
We Plant a Tree For Every New Subscriber

Many don't realise the impact our technology has on our carbon emissions. This is why we plant a tree for every new subscriber ...

The YourPCM Growth Team

The YourPCM Growth Team

11th June, 2024

I had to use my friend's phone to try and lock my own stolen phone!
What’s Your Back Up Strategy?

It was inevitable that one day I would be caught out on the very thing I always preach to my clients: data backup ...

Pritesh Ganatra

Pritesh Ganatra

11th June, 2024

The extended deadline for voluntary NIC is a welcome update!
Voluntary NIC Deadline extended To April 2025

The deadline for voluntary NIC from April 2006 up to April 2017 was originally set at the 5th of April 2023 ...

Roger Eddowes

Roger Eddowes

10th June, 2024

Be extra vigilant with how you search for IT Support contact numbers, and if you're in any doubt, call us!
Be Careful Who You Call For IT Support

If you have a problem with your computer and need help, be really careful who you call for IT support ...

Alison Mead

Alison Mead

10th June, 2024

The Gemeral Election 2024 is a crucial opportunity to bounce back from recent challenges!
Election 2024: A Chance to Restore UK Resilience?

The country has faced a tumultuous few years, what with Brexit, the COVID-19 pandemic and the cost of living crisis ...

Roger Eddowes

Roger Eddowes

6th June, 2024

When you're out business networking, does being a cooperator or a defector get more sales leads for you?
The Best Way To Get More Sales Leads

Getting referrals means networking with a strategy, so your message is clear and everyone knows who you want to meet ...

Jacky Sherman

Jacky Sherman

5th June, 2024

Stay informed and be ready for any potential tax changes that come from the General Election 2024!
Election 2024: Potential Tax Changes Coming Within 100 Days

With the General Election 2024 scheduled for the 4th of July, the political landscape in the UK looks likely to change ...

Helen Beaumont

Helen Beaumont

5th June, 2024

Sign up for YourPCM today and get a flying start towards your business success!
YourPCM: Get a Flying Start With Our 7-Day Free Trial

With so many CRM options out there, it can be overwhelming to find the right one for your specific needs ...

The YourPCM Growth Team

The YourPCM Growth Team

4th June, 2024

Working in the flagship Dixons store at the Clarendon Centre in Oxford was the start of my career!
Riding The Crest Of The Wave - Part 1

It's November 1990 and I am a fresh-faced salesman working in the flagship Dixons store at the Clarendon Centre in Oxford ...

Pritesh Ganatra

Pritesh Ganatra

4th June, 2024

Make sure to keep accurate records of your cryptoasset transactions!
Use HMRC's Real-Time CGT Service to Report Cryptoasset Gains

Are you a UK resident who has made gains on cryptoassets? If so, you may be wondering how to report these gains ...

Roger Eddowes

Roger Eddowes

3rd June, 2024

You don't have to do anything right now. Xero will send out more information and updates in the coming months!
Xero Are Changing All Their Packages Again

Changes are coming to Xero's plans and pricing, as of the 12th of September 2024, Xero will be also launching a new line-up ...

Alison Mead

Alison Mead

3rd June, 2024

As a financial adviser, I've witnessed first-hand the negative impacts of these money myths!
Debunking the Money Myths in Relationships

Love and finances are two areas that deeply impact our lives. Myths around them can become intertwined ...

Sam Bradford

Sam Bradford

30th May, 2024

It's important to ensure that training costs for sole traders are deducted correctly!
The Tax Treatment of Training for Sole Traders

You are responsible for all aspects of your business, including staying updated with advancements in your trade ...

Roger Eddowes

Roger Eddowes

30th May, 2024

You may think you don't need any more work, but this can be really dangerous for your business!
I Don't Need Any More Work At Present!

It's a vindication that your marketing is working, yet it is a dangerous place to be and a crazy thing to say networking ...

Jacky Sherman

Jacky Sherman

29th May, 2024

Remember, every penny counts when it comes to raising a family!
Child Benefit for 16-Year-Olds In Further Education

As children reach the age of 16, they may choose to continue with further education after they've sat their GCSEs ...

Helen Beaumont

Helen Beaumont

29th May, 2024

After a networking event, do you put those business cards into your CRM or forget all about them?
Our AI Business Card Scanner: A Revolution For Networkers!

Business cards are a big part of networking, but what happens after your networking event? Do you forget about them?

The YourPCM Growth Team

The YourPCM Growth Team

28th May, 2024

Our reliance on internet technologies as the only source of connectivity for both voice and data needs a proper re-think by the industry!
Houston, We Have A Major Problem!

Let me start by saying that I love technology. I have sold consumer electronics since the early 1990s ...

Pritesh Ganatra

Pritesh Ganatra

28th May, 2024

Credits, debits, the amount taken not the bill amount. Bookkeeping for utility bills can be a real pain in the neck!
Bookkeeping For Utility Bills

One of the biggest pains in the neck when bookkeeping is to account for the payments to utility companies ...

Alison Mead

Alison Mead

28th May, 2024

Tax thresholds may seem necessary, but the reality is that they can create an unfair burden on many!
How Unfair Tax Thresholds Impact Almost Everyone

Tax thresholds are a necessary part of the UK's tax system, but they can also create unintended consequences ...

Roger Eddowes

Roger Eddowes

28th May, 2024

Start planning for your financial legacy today!
How to Secure Your Financial Legacy

As a financial planner, one of the most important aspects of my job is to help my clients plan for their financial future ...

Sam Bradford

Sam Bradford

23rd May, 2024

If you're a business owner in the UK and you're having health problems, maybe it's time to talk to the Business Godparent?
A Decline In Health For Half Of UK Business Owners

The dream of running a successful business is often romanticised, but the reality is far from glamorous ...

Roger Eddowes

Roger Eddowes

23rd May, 2024

Start your fully featured 7-day free trial today or book a Zoom demo to see how YourPCM can help your business thrive!
YourPCM: The Ultimate CRM for UK Micro Business Owners

As a micro business owner in the UK, you know the importance of staying organised and connected with your clients and partners ...

The YourPCM Growth Team

The YourPCM Growth Team

22nd May, 2024

The Platinum Rule is a trade mark of  Dr. Tony Allessandro and is used with permission
Your Behavioural Style Affects Who Refers To You

You are far more likely to get referral from people who are like you. The problem is, 75% of people aren't like you ...

Jacky Sherman

Jacky Sherman

22nd May, 2024

Can you pass the shaving mirror test? How about the Trolley Dilemma?
Networking Skills: Can You Pass The Shaving Mirror Test?

Two pieces of advice from ex-managers of mine this week after reading a blog post about networking skills by Adam Grant ...

Jacky Sherman

Jacky Sherman

22nd May, 2024

You can consult with your tax adviser to assist you in navigating the ERS process!
ERS: What Are Employment Related Securities?

Employment-Related Securities (ERS) are a type of financial instrument that can have an impact on your limited company ...

Helen Beaumont

Helen Beaumont

22nd May, 2024

With cyber attacks so prolific, your IT company should not be marking their own homework!
Cyber Attackers And Phoney Phone Calls

I have been reading with interest that it has been the turn of the mighty MGM Group to fall victim to hackers ...

Pritesh Ganatra

Pritesh Ganatra

21st May, 2024

It is up to us to use Artificial Intelligence for the betterment of society!
Artificial Intelligence: Welcome To The Revolution

AI refers to the development of computer systems that can perform repetitive tasks that require human intelligence ...

The YourAI Team

The YourAI Team

20th May, 2024

Building Your Bookkeeping Business

A question I often see asked in bookkeeping groups and forums is where can I find customers or gain experience?

Alison Mead

Alison Mead

20th May, 2024

Digital identity verification is a necessary process to protect individuals and organisations from identity theft and fraud!
All About Digital Identity Verification

E-commerce, social media, and other digital platforms mean our personal details are shared and stored online ...

Roger Eddowes

Roger Eddowes

20th May, 2024

A Labour government could bring both challenges and opportunities for investors!
How A Labour Government Could Affect Investors

As we gear up for a potential change in government, investors are thinking about the impact of a Labour victory ...

Roger Eddowes

Roger Eddowes

16th May, 2024

By utilising tax-free savings accounts, you can save money and increase your wealth!
Managing Your Wealth In A Tax-Efficient Manner

When it comes to wealth management, tax efficiency is a key factor that should not be overlooked ...

Sam Bradford

Sam Bradford

16th May, 2024

Why not give YourPCM a try and see how it can help your business grow through networking?
Why YourPCM Is The Perfect CRM For UK Networkers

As a UK networker, you know the importance of building and maintaining relationships with fellow business owners ...

The YourPCM Growth Team

The YourPCM Growth Team

15th May, 2024

It's crucial for online sellers to ensure that their income is accurately reported!
HMRC Taking A Good Look At Savvy Online Sellers

HMRC's new data sharing initiative has been met with mixed reactions from online sellers ...

Helen Beaumont

Helen Beaumont

15th May, 2024

The router you purchase for your business network should always be a high-quality, business-grade product!
What Is The Most Important Part Of Your Business Network?

The final words from my last blog post led me to determine a business network's commonest point of failure ...

Pritesh Ganatra

Pritesh Ganatra

14th May, 2024

When it comes to using YourAI for a bit of AI writing, I always tell my users to delegate, but don't abdicate!
AI Writing: Exploring the Reliability of What It Creates

From chatbots to content creation, AI writing has proven to be a valuable tool to help you up your marketing game ...

The YourAI Team

The YourAI Team

13th May, 2024

You'd be surprised at what limited company expenses you can claim, but you need to be careful too!
Limited Company Expenses: What Can You Claim?

If you have a new business it can be confusing to know what limited company expenses you are permitted to claim ...

Alison Mead

Alison Mead

13th May, 2024

The government needs to address this Inheritance Tax issue urgently!
UK Inheritance Tax Receipts Reach Record Levels

Inheritance tax is imposed on the estate of a deceased person before it is distributed to their beneficiaries ...

Roger Eddowes

Roger Eddowes

13th May, 2024

Being in debt does not have to define you. You can improve your finances and break free from the cycle of debt!
Don't Let Debt Define You: 10 Ways to Take Financial Control

Debt is a common and often a taboo topic that many people struggle to talk about ...

Sam Bradford

Sam Bradford

9th May, 2024

Us British love food on the go, and many small business startups began in 2023 to feed us!
Record Number of Small Business Startups in 2023

Last year was a notable one for the country, as it saw a record number of small business startups ...

Roger Eddowes

Roger Eddowes

9th May, 2024

Time is a resource we're all short of and it's a skill not to waste it!
Networking Skills: Don't Waste My Time

One of the most precious commodities we have always seems to run out when we need it most. I'm talking about time ...

Jacky Sherman

Jacky Sherman

8th May, 2024

As a crypto investor, you must keep accurate records of your transactions!
How Reduced CGT Allowance Puts Crypto Investors At Risk

If you are a crypto investor in the UK, you need to be aware of the tax implications of your investments ...

Helen Beaumont

Helen Beaumont

8th May, 2024

At YourPCM, privacy and data security is our top priority!
YourPCM: Privacy And Data Security is Our Top Priority

At YourPCM, we understand the importance of protecting your data, and that is why we have made it our top priority ...

The YourPCM Growth Team

The YourPCM Growth Team

7th May, 2024

Simple IOT devices can cause massive security risks in business network!
How Secure Are Your Business Networks?

The Colonial pipeline was recently subject to a ransomware attack by the Russian hacker group Darkside ...

Pritesh Ganatra

Pritesh Ganatra

7th May, 2024

So, what process should a bookkeeper follow to raise their prices?
Building A Bookkeeping Business: Increasing Your Prices

You may have already done the difficult part of starting your own bookkeeping business; you've found clients ...

Alison Mead

Alison Mead

7th May, 2024

Seek assistance from HMRC about your voluntary NIC payments if you believe there is an error!
HMRC Mistakenly Refunds Voluntary NIC Payments

The 2023 Autumn Statement announced changes to the voluntary class 2 NIC payments made by the self-employed ...

Roger Eddowes

Roger Eddowes

7th May, 2024

I firmly believe that everyone, regardless of their background, deserves access to straightforward financial advice!
Take Control Of Your Financial Future

I firmly believe that everyone, regardless of their background, deserves access to straightforward financial advice ...

Sam Bradford

Sam Bradford

2nd May, 2024

Marshmallows are still an ingredient, not confectionery, despite what HMRC thinks!
HMRC Loses Legal Battle About Marshmallows

The battle began in 2022 when HMRC demanded that the marshmallow company pay £472,928 in VAT ...

Roger Eddowes

Roger Eddowes

2nd May, 2024

No matter how good you are, there's always room for improvement!
I Don't Need Training, I Know How To Network!

Over the last couple of weeks I have been asked by several people for some help in reviewing their marketing ...

Jacky Sherman

Jacky Sherman

1st May, 2024

Seeking professional tax advice can be beneficial in navigating the complexities of self-assessment tax returns!
Understanding Self-Assessment Late Filing Penalties

Self-assessment tax returns are a way for individuals in the UK to report their income and pay the right amount of tax ...

Helen Beaumont

Helen Beaumont

1st May, 2024

Now, more than ever, we need to look for people who value the importance of being earnest!
The Importance Of Being Earnest

I believe that 'people buy from people', yet we seem to be in a world where people are pressured into buying technology ...

Pritesh Ganatra

Pritesh Ganatra

30th April, 2024

AI Architecture may look wierd, but what if it's super efficient, sustainable and a really great place to live?
Bringing Buildings To Life With AI Architecture

The use of AI in architecture is not a new concept with early attempts to automate design in the 1960s ...

The YourAI Team

The YourAI Team

29th April, 2024

Bookkeeping and accounting are two essential aspects of running a business!
What's The Difference Between An Accountant And A Bookkeeper?

Bookkeeping and accounting are two essential aspects of running any business. Do you know which one you need?

Alison Mead

Alison Mead

29th April, 2024

The increase in Companies House fees is a significant change that will undoubtedly have an impact on UK businesses!
A Shocking Increase In Companies House Fees

Companies House has been a crucial part of the country's business landscape for over 150 years ...

Roger Eddowes

Roger Eddowes

29th April, 2024

A protection review is a crucial step in ensuring that your loved ones are adequately protected!
What Are The Benefits of a Protection Review?

You may have already taken the necessary steps to protect your loved ones by purchasing various insurance policies ...

Sam Bradford

Sam Bradford

25th April, 2024

Communicating with HMRC may seem daunting, but with the right approach, you can easily get your tax queries answered!
How to Communicate with HMRC

HMRC is responsible for collecting taxes and enforcing tax laws so it's important to know how to communicate with them ...

Roger Eddowes

Roger Eddowes

25th April, 2024

YourPCM can help you organise your contacts, discover new opportunities, and reach out to them effectively!
Discover the Awesome Power of YourPCM

You know every opportunity counts. Yet with the constant demands of running your business, it can be challenging to keep up ...

The YourPCM Growth Team

The YourPCM Growth Team

24th April, 2024

If you are mostly working from home then tax relief may not be available on your commuting costs!
Working From Home And Commuting

If you are one of the many people in the UK who are working from home, you may wonder about tax on commuting ...

Helen Beaumont

Helen Beaumont

24th April, 2024

A networking snob won't last long in most of the groups I know!
Networking Snobbery: These people are too small for me

Networking snobbery is a bad thing for any networker. I wonder why people join a group if they think no one can help them ...

Jacky Sherman

Jacky Sherman

24th April, 2024

Technology used to be so simple! Not anymore ...
Technology Overload And Mental Health

In 1990, I was selling a different kind of technology and life was very much simpler for all of us ...

Pritesh Ganatra

Pritesh Ganatra

23rd April, 2024

One thing is for sure. Artificial Intelligence will continue to intrigue us for years to come!
The Evolution of Artificial Intelligence in Sci-Fi

The concept of artificial intelligence has always been a source of fascination for humans and Sci-Fi is the perfect genre to explore it ...

The YourAI Team

The YourAI Team

22nd April, 2024

You may not go as far as offering yoga classes before work, but managing stress in the workplace needs to be taken seriously!
Managing Stress in the Workplace

Stress is common in the workplace so employers should create a culture that promotes mental and physical wellbeing ...

Roger Eddowes

Roger Eddowes

22nd April, 2024

The key to nurturing your money is knowledge and patience!
Nurturing Your Money: Do You Know How You Are Invested?

As someone living in the UK, you are very fortunate to have access to a wide variety of investment options ...

Sam Bradford

Sam Bradford

18th April, 2024

I think the GOV.UK One Login is a bit of a gamechanger!
GOV.UK One Login: A New Way To Login To Government Services

It is essential for government services to be easily accessible and user-friendly to everyone ...

Roger Eddowes

Roger Eddowes

18th April, 2024

If you want to grow your pension you should seek professional advice!
Essential Tax Tips: How to Grow Your Pension

As a retiree, you may have noticed that your state pension has increased to £11,502. This may seem like good news ...

Helen Beaumont

Helen Beaumont

17th April, 2024

If they act like a hero and offer you grand gestures, check they really can deliver!
Commitment Is A Double-Edged Sword

I was having a conversation about a member of our network group who constantly lets us down ...

Jacky Sherman

Jacky Sherman

17th April, 2024

I have been fortunate to have ridden the crest of the wave and I am still in the industry!
Riding the Crest of the Wave - Part 3

And all of a sudden, we had Blackberry dominating the Global market. Their handsets are no longer with us ...

Pritesh Ganatra

Pritesh Ganatra

16th April, 2024

It is essential to have open and informed discussions on the potential benefits and risks of Artificial Intelligence!
Artificial Intelligence: A Force for Good or a Threat to Humanity?

Artificial Intelligence is a branch of computer science that focuses on creating machines that think and act like humans ...

The YourAI Team

The YourAI Team

15th April, 2024

Protect your finances by taking the necessary steps to re-register for child benefit by the 5th of July!
High Income Earners Must Re-Register for Child Benefit

The High Income Child Benefit Charge was introduced to limit support for high income families through child benefit ...

Roger Eddowes

Roger Eddowes

15th April, 2024

Retirement planning can ensure financial stability and peace of mind during your golden years!
Planning for a Comfortable Retirement

Retirement is a time to relax, travel, and enjoy the fruits of your labour. But without proper planning, it can be challenging ...

Sam Bradford

Sam Bradford

11th April, 2024

And So The New Tax Year Begins

The calendar flips to a new tax year and taxpayers across the country face several changes and challenges ...

Roger Eddowes

Roger Eddowes

11th April, 2024

The YourPCM discovery tools make searching for new leads and business contacts far easier. No binoculars needed!
Discover New Business Opportunities with YourPCM

As a business owner, you know that finding new leads and opportunities is crucial for the growth of your business ...

The YourPCM Growth Team

The YourPCM Growth Team

10th April, 2024

To build trust, join groups or clubs or attend an event where you can mix with people regularly!
5 Ways To Signal You're Trustworthy

An essential part of giving and receiving referrals is building enough trust between you and those you network with ...

Jacky Sherman

Jacky Sherman

10th April, 2024

Ensure you file your employee's P11Ds correctly or you could get the unwanted attention of HMRC!
P11D: Focus On Staff Entertaining

Accountants are noticing an increasing number of enquiries from HMRC about the amounts spent on entertaining staff ...

Helen Beaumont

Helen Beaumont

10th April, 2024

The need for accurate and timely predictions of solar storms becomes more critical as our technology advances!
AI Is Now Predicting Solar Storms With 30 Minutes Notice

Solar storms are powerful eruptions of energy from the Sun that can have severe impacts on Earth's technology and infrastructure ...

The YourAI Team

The YourAI Team

8th April, 2024

Stay informed about Anti Money Laundering legislation; stay compliant, and safeguard your business in 2024 and beyond!
5 Ways to Ensure Anti Money Laundering Compliance in 2024

As a business owner, you are likely aware of the increasing importance of Anti Money Laundering (AML) compliance ...

Alison Mead

Alison Mead

8th April, 2024

Historically, a tax rebate is the only letter we're happy to get from HMRC. Now the money will just show up in our bank accounts!
HMRC Stops Paper Notifications for Tax Repayments

As a taxpayer, you may have gleefully received a letter from HMRC notifying you about a tax repayment ...

Roger Eddowes

Roger Eddowes

8th April, 2024

Would you vote for a politician if a picture of him being arrested for drunk & disorderly appeared a few days before the General Election?
AI Deepfakes And The Threat To The Next General Election

The use of deepfake technology has been on the rise in recent years, and the UK General Election is the latest target ...

Steffi Lewis

Steffi Lewis

5th April, 2024

Why Does The Tax Year Start On The 6th Of April? A logical question with an interesting answer!
Why Does The Tax Year Start On The 6th Of April?

Why does the tax year begin on the 6th of April, rather than the more logical 1st of January? Many people wonder ...

Roger Eddowes

Roger Eddowes

4th April, 2024

Financial education means you don't need a crystal ball!
The Importance of Financial Education

Financial education is learning about financial concepts and strategies that can help you make informed decisions ...

Sam Bradford

Sam Bradford

4th April, 2024

Building a business or self-employed; it's entirely up to you!
Are You Building A Business Or Are You Self-Employed?

I meet a lot of people transitioning from employment to their own business. Many are selling their expertise ...

Jacky Sherman

Jacky Sherman

3rd April, 2024