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Blogging: A Closer Look At Our Core Service

What is it and how does it work?


Posted by Steffi Lewis on 16/02/2021 @ 8:00AM

You may have heard a lot about blogging, but it does seem like a lot of work doesn't it? Writing and publishing a new blog post every week? Who's got time for that?

Blogging is a powerful marketing tool, though it can seem like a lot of work!

Blogging is a powerful marketing tool, though it can seem like a lot of work!

copyright: steffi lewis / slo

SLO Media has been creating blog posts for our clients since 2011. We have thousands of posts published on our platform and found that people blog for a combination of different reasons:

  • To improve their domain ranking in Google

  • To raise their profile on social media

  • To deepen relationships with customers and clients

  • To help prospects trust them

  • To prove authority with their business networks

When you work with SLO Media, the default is that your blog runs on our servers and your website runs on your web designer's server. You may think this causes a conflict of interest between the two, but the truth is that as long as they are both under the same domain name then Google treats them as one. Your website is at and your blog is at

"They work together rather than against each other!"

However, we understand that some business owners really want a blog within their website, so if you want to go that way, rather than having one of our custom blogs, then that's ok too. We don't mind ... it's the same workflow for us.

Blogs and websites are designed to do very different things; your website is your shop window and contains your products and services and information about who you are. It is designed to rank on Google and will hopefully be found during a search on page one.

Your blog, on the other hand, is what I consider your front door. It is designed to work more with social media and email, but at the same time, supports your website in Google's indexes. After all, your website won't change very often, will it? Your blog changes all the time ... and Google sees this.

Of course, you can share pages of your website onto social media, and your blog posts may rank in Google, but they each have their place and are designed to support building your brand awareness.

And our goal is to make things as easy as possible for you. One of my team will send you reminder emails 72 hours, 48 hours and 24 hours before you're due to publish to encourage you to get writing. By default, if we don't hear from you then we 'recycle' an existing blog post for that week because it's important to publish something regularly.

Our clients spend an average of just 20 minutes a week jotting down their raw thoughts!"

What we call 'raw thoughts' are just that. Don't worry about spelling or grammar, it's literally a brain dump on a particular subject you're an expert in. Open up a new email message, put a working title in the subject line then start typing. You'd be surprised how quickly you'll get it done, especially if you put an appointment in your diary to write at the same time every week.

If you're super busy, and may not have the time or the inclination to even jot down your raw thoughts, my team can write a 'generalist' blog posts for you.

If you respond to our reminder emails with something like, "Hey, can you write something about ..." then we will. If you can send a URL of a news article or other blog post on the subject, well, that will make our life a lot easier and allow us to focus in better in what you want us to write about.

This is usually an all or nothing proposition. Our clients either write all their blog posts, or we write them all for them. There doesn't seem to be any middle ground, but if a client wanted to write two a month and get us to do the other two, I'm sure we could accommodate that.

The morning before your publication day is when we create your blog post for you. Whether we've written the words or you have, a blog post needs many SEO tweaks and, of course, has to have perfect spelling and grammar throughout.

Once one of my creators has finished your blog post, they'll email you to let you know where to find it, and you can approve it and/or suggest changes. It also gets sent to our external checkers so we can all be sure that it's perfect in every way.

The next morning, we publish all of that day's new blog posts at 8am and share them on social media. We'll email them to your mailing list at 9am as well. The three standard platforms we use are Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn although we also share to a monthly Pinterest board. we reshare your blog post again early evening and feature you on that day's SLO Show!

You will get plenty of human visitors to your blog posts and if you have your blog with us (rather than in your own website) you can log in to your dashboard to track those visitors!

So there you go! Blogging is a simple way to get your brand, your knowledge and your words of wisdom out to your target audiences each and every week. It's a simple way to improve your domains SEO, a simple way to get heard over the background chatter of social media, and a simple way to build trust and prove authority.

We do all the work and you get all the glory! What's not to like about that?

Until next time ...



Would you like to know more?

If anything I've mentioned in this blog post resonates with you and you'd like to discover more, do give us a call on 0333 335 0420 and let's see how we can help.

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About Steffi Lewis ...


Developer, blogger, photographer, videographer, foodie, cat lover, sci-fi nut, cancer survivor, countryside dweller, and Creator In Chief of SLO Media.

A 30+ years veteran developer with knowledge of Windows Servers, SQL Server, HTML, Classic ASP, JavaScript, and CSS. Using my knowledge and talents to create, maintain and enhance Steffi/CMS that offers blogging, social media and email services to small business owners throughout the UK.

I've also worked as a professional photographer in Los Angeles, USA and been a Vision Mixer and Producer for live television in my time.


0333 335 0420