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SLO Media Limited

SLO Media

The heart of your online world




New Content Creation Service From SLO Media

Would you like fresh daily content?


Posted by Steffi Lewis on 25/01/2021 @ 8:00AM

One of the things our clients have been asking about for a while is a unique daily content creation service for people on their social media feeds. We’ve been doing it for ourselves for a while now, and are now offering the same to our clients ...

Photos? Videos? Trackable marketing images? Our new content creation service can get your message out there!

Photos? Videos? Trackable marketing images? Our new content creation service can get your message out there!

copyright: bowie15 / 123rf

First of all, what is content? Well, it's photos, it's videos, it's marketing images based around a specific message which are shared daily onto Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin. Each one is unique and each one has messages attached around a particular subject.

"This is usually on a theme for the month!"

For example, one of our clients had a special menu at their local restaurant and another had an art initiative at a local gallery. Another shot four iPhone videos about what's going on with their industry and sent them over for us for finishing and uploading.

Whatever our clients need, whatever their theme for the month, we create it for them. They just let us know the message they want to get across and hey presto, a month's worth of content they can share out every single day.

But what makes SLO Media content different from the norm? Well, this is the clever part. We track it! Yes, that's right, every piece of content we create for our clients is trackable. We do that by including a link in the associated messaging we share for them.

As an added benefit, all the content we created for them that month is included on a hidden project page so our clients can see the number of click-throughs to wherever they want the link to point.

Here's the project page for our own November 2020 BSECR promotion that is tracking in realtime. Why not take a look and see how it's working for us!

And we'll do the sharing for them as well. From Facebook pages and groups to Twitter and Linkedin; if our clients want us to share this content along with their blogs, web pages and YouTube videos then it's all part of the service and we'll get on it each month for them.

"You don't have to be one of our blog subscribers for us to create content for you!"

We have a number of businesses that shoot their own videos each month then send them over to us by WeTransfer. We'll take those videos, top and tail them with our clients own branding and contact details them put them on a project page with suggested text and a trackable link.

Our new content creation service is just £100 for a month's worth of marketing images with suggested text and a trackable link on a project page. For videos, we offer a weekly editing service at the same price and our clients can choose if they want to invoice per project or if they really like what we do, set up a direct debit to make it happen every month.

Why not take a look at our Content Gallery to see what we've been working on for our clients?

Until next time ...



Would you like to know more?

If anything I've mentioned in this blog post resonates with you and you'd like to discover more, do give us a call on 0333 335 0420 and let's see how we can help.

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#Photos #Videos #MarketingImages #Trackable #Content #Business #SME #MiltonKeynes #UK

About Steffi Lewis ...


Developer, blogger, photographer, videographer, foodie, cat lover, sci-fi nut, cancer survivor, countryside dweller, and Creator In Chief of SLO Media.

A 30+ years veteran developer with knowledge of Windows Servers, SQL Server, HTML, Classic ASP, JavaScript, and CSS. Using my knowledge and talents to create, maintain and enhance Steffi/CMS that offers blogging, social media and email services to small business owners throughout the UK.

I've also worked as a professional photographer in Los Angeles, USA and been a Vision Mixer and Producer for live television in my time.


0333 335 0420