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Ever Wondered Why You Should Be Blogging?

5 reasons it's an easy win for small business owners ...


Posted by Steffi Lewis on 20/04/2021 @ 8:00AM

Lots of people have heard of blogging, some have dabbled with it and others have given up in frustration. Yes, blogging can sometimes be difficult to get right, but when you do, the results are very impressive indeed ...

Blogging can be an easy win for small business owners!

Blogging can be an easy win for small business owners!

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So what can blogging do for your business? Well, I always feel there are five major reasons to start blogging and I’ve outlined each of them for you below.

  1. Get seen on Google

    Blogging has a proven effect on your search engine ranking. Whether it is on one of our custom blogs (still in your domain) or inside your own website, publishing fresh, regular content gets the interest of Google’s spiders and boosts your overall website SEO.

    Publishing blog posts on your specialist subjects means people searching for the information you share will be encouraged to get in touch with you for assistance.

  2. Get heard on social media

    There’s so much rubbish on social media these days, many business owners wonder if it’s even worth publishing. Well, yes it is because it gives your friends, followers and connections something to read.

    In addition, they’ll see your branding regularly in their social media feeds, especially if you regularly share blog posts from your archive showcasing your knowledge about different subjects.

  3. Grow trust and authority in your industry

    We all want people to know we are are the best person to do business with. SLO Media specialises in blogging, so we want to be seen as an authority on that. Wouldn’t you like to be seen as the authority in your industry?

    Publishing regular new blog posts will help people to understand that you really do know your stuff and that they should get in touch with you if they need help.

  4. Get referrals from your business networks

    Business networking groups like to pass referrals between their members. If other people in the group can see that you’re regularly blogging on your specialist subject and can see that you really do know your stuff then they’re more likely to pass warm referrals to you.

  5. Be thought of before people dive into search

    If you’ve raised your profile online through blogging and proven your knowledge to your readers, who are they going to call? Why dive into search and have to trawl through a number of different suppliers when they know that you are the best at what you do?

As you can see, blogging has a wide range of benefits for any small business owner and I’d love to talk to you about how SLO Media can get you blogging in just 20-minutes a week or less. Add in social sharing, blog mailers and boosting and you can have your own perfect online marketing channel with minimal effort on your part.

We do all the work and you get all the glory? What’s not to like about that?

Until next time ...



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About Steffi Lewis ...


Developer, blogger, photographer, videographer, foodie, cat lover, sci-fi nut, cancer survivor, countryside dweller, and Creator In Chief of SLO Media.

A 30+ years veteran developer with knowledge of Windows Servers, SQL Server, HTML, Classic ASP, JavaScript, and CSS. Using my knowledge and talents to create, maintain and enhance Steffi/CMS that offers blogging, social media and email services to small business owners throughout the UK.

I've also worked as a professional photographer in Los Angeles, USA and been a Vision Mixer and Producer for live television in my time.


0333 335 0420