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SLO Media Limited

SLO Media

The heart of your online world




Blog Search: Your Social Media Secret Weapon

What features would you like to see?


Posted by Steffi Lewis on 23/02/2021 @ 8:00AM

One of the benefits of being a client of SLO Media is direct contact with our blogging platform development team. It's meant that they can suggest features and updates and, if it benefits the entire network, then we'll usually implement them for free ...

Our blog search tool is just one of the many features suggested by our blogging clients!

Our blog search tool is just one of the many features suggested by our blogging clients!

copyright: bowie15 / 123rf

This happened last year with ace bookkeeping trainer Alison Mead from Silicon Bullet. Being a prolific social media user, she often saw requests for bookkeeping advice on Facebook groups. Having a large collection of blog posts on she would go to her blog, look for the blog post that could help, then would share the URL of the blog post to Facebook in reply to the original query.

This was a great way to get people to read her words, understand she's brilliant at what she does and makes a connection with her as someone who the reader can get help from!

But this did mean that Alison had to remember when she wrote that particular blog post and scroll down to find it. She asked us if there was any way to create a tool that would make it quicker and easier to search, especially as she was seeing these requests for bookkeeping advice every day.

We asked what features she wanted and got on with designing it. Primarily, she wanted it to search the title and subtitle for keywords and then copy the URL directly, but occasionally, she'd want to send an entire block of blog posts when a particular subject had been covered multiple times from different angles.

So, we created a custom search page for her that can now be found on all of our clients' blogs that lists each blog posts from newest to oldest and allows you to drill down by entering keywords. You can then copy the blog post URL out for pasting elsewhere on social media or copy the URL of the entire search results to have access to a block of blog posts.

"It's fast and it's easy. Click the magnifying glass icon found at the top of one of our clients blogs!"

This is a perfect example of our clients requesting new features and SLO Media listening. There have been many examples of this over the years and we thank all of our bloggers for their feature requests. Each one has enhanced the quality of our platform and benefitted all of our clients.

What features would you like to see on your blog? Just let us know.

Until next time ...



Would you like to know more?

If anything I've mentioned in this blog post resonates with you and you'd like to discover more, do give us a call on 0333 335 0420 and let's see how we can help.

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About Steffi Lewis ...


Developer, blogger, photographer, videographer, foodie, cat lover, sci-fi nut, cancer survivor, countryside dweller, and Creator In Chief of SLO Media.

A 30+ years veteran developer with knowledge of Windows Servers, SQL Server, HTML, Classic ASP, JavaScript, and CSS. Using my knowledge and talents to create, maintain and enhance Steffi/CMS that offers blogging, social media and email services to small business owners throughout the UK.

I've also worked as a professional photographer in Los Angeles, USA and been a Vision Mixer and Producer for live television in my time.


0333 335 0420